Saturday, August 16, 2014

A humble take on Guardian’s “ Look –out”.

A humble  take on  Guardian’s “ Look –out”.

For   now  the  city’s at peace .
No  noisy buses, no automobiles  plying,
It is  close  to  midnight, still and  soundless.
No cinema theatre, may be  a   vow
In honour of  veteran soldiers.
Still  is  terrifying, scarring now,
Excepting the clock ticking eerie.  
Do  you  wonder it is  an utopian dream?
May be it is  after math of  mighty
Celebrations of  War Memorial   events,
Televisions    channels  busy,   jubilant
 over  lively  broad casts. Independence
is indoors could be. May be  a mapping
envisaged  by  a playing  school   child,
efficient   and  drawing .
Only the  coffee  shop opened,
For  the  cops  who go on  night
Beats, vigilant and duty conscious,
Their  watchfulness  goes on, no matter,
Who comes and goes round.
I  recall  my grand mother,
Lonely saddened recollections,                                                      
In  a big house, when bereaved by the
Death  of my grandfather.            

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