Sunday, December 01, 2013

Lullaby For The Forlorn

  Lullaby  for  the forlorn
As  the  cute  tabby   cat  stole
Out of the lobby, surreptiously,
The other inmates  fast asleep,
Its moving  paws  silenced   and
feared  by  the  loud  snore of some.
Outside  the  dogs  bark,
Close  to midnight, sequel
The  innocent  wail   of  the month old
baby, abandoned  by the  heartless.
Night glared   by the Moonlight
for the delay in tending  the  forlorn
looks  askance  at  the child.
I peep through  the window,
The  temple  priest 
Closing  the gates of
the temple, willingly
opened the rugged ,  locked door
of the Future of the  Innocent,
sings  a  soothing   lullaby.

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