Sunday, September 08, 2013



West  believes  majestically
The   Garden   of   Eden,  God’s
Testing  lab for   Adam   and  Eve,
The   luscious  forbidden  fruit
Of Apple ,  the  inevitable  lure,
Satan   and  Seduction  ;
 Hence   the  Fall,  Mankind,
 Progeny   Is  perpetuated.

God  once  in the primeval  stage, in East,
While creating  Universe  , Sun  and   Stars,
Sand  and  ocean  and  trees  and  plants,
Dropped   some    human    clay   or  flesh,
Infused    Sacred    Breath possibly,
Giving  shapes of   Nose  and  face,
Legs   and  life, allowing  free  play.
Thus  This  Questioning    today is  born.

Some  parts  of  glorious  ,pious,
EAST ( India),   once  the  pride
Of   ancient Vedas, scriptures,
Slowly  becoming   Agnostic ,                                                                               
Go  on  testing  Gods   and  Avatar,
Hence  Gods   and  Avatar, bear
The brunt   of  Man’s  Sins.  
 Man is  bossy, drinking   goblet

Of  assumed   authority.
East  or  West, we  come
 from   Mother’s womb,

go   to  dust,  dust .

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