Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Of that thing that is called Death.

  Of  that  thing  that is called Death..

Oh, of that   Death, which is the end of Life,
Of  what you call the  extinction   of body  not of  Soul,
The  time honoured  belief  exists,
for   the Soul  transmigrates
to a  different   entity  or  preordained  zone,

oh!   of   death , the cessation  of  life  breath, 
for some  the end of sufferings and   torture,
some  willingly  crave, some    brave,
how  you  knock  on the door, how  you
depart,    imperceptible  , you  are 

calm    as   sedate    or   as  disturbing,
and   sweepingly   dangerous  as   volcano,
you     are   in a   solution,   you  are  in  vial,
your   ancestry is   bugging  mystery  and
your    smile  of  victory  is  inhuman  cruelty.

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