Saturday, February 14, 2009

In the forest.

There is Life in the forest,
Life in the flora and fauna,
Life breathes in the tall
pure and pine .

there is life in the forest,
Woodbine and woodcock
Intertwine to vie with peacock,
Parrots repeat chanting hymns.

There is life in the forest,
When sweet water
While scythe intervenes,
rude stem, flows in profuse.

There is life in timbre
and melody flows
as if oaken flutes,
melancholy flows in

wooded, green forest,
there is life for the anthills,
there is life when coupling
snakes , still in seclusion,

there is life in the bubbling river,
life in the colourful fishes flowing by.
life in the primeval forest,
life in the wooded forest.

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