Saturday, October 24, 2020

It was as if a ladder ( after Guardian)



It was as if  a ladder  ( after  Guardian)


My memory recoils  the bamboo made

Solid structure of ladder much sought after

Used often in ancestral house of cleaning

And painting in great vigor.          

Each rung had its shine and bend,

Tilted and slant often putting   climber

In fear and dilemma, still ascension

was  thrill and challenge  and pride.

Kept in corner, each rung started

falling, only empty space,

as if one third of your life span

falling, your being slowly vanishing

in air, a dismay disturbing you .

A demolition strikes and debris

Piles along dust  and demure,

Amidst scented flowers nod,

Ladder laughing  at its own self

Amidst rungs going and gone.



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