Saturday, July 25, 2020

Teacher ; it goes on( guardian)

Teacher It goes  on 

So many desks, countless rows
Papers  and planes  - class room
Converted into play room, in the
Gap  of teacher’s arrival; alongside
chocolate wrappers and opening
and closing poetry page of “solitary
Reaper” for  they are expected  to
learn by rote; unmanageable cacophony
silenced by appearance of a master
with a bulky  bundle
 of  corrected  note books ;  some
 more to be corrected;
the time he makes them rehearse
previous day’s poetry, some quotes,
 by the time master taps his scale
on the  table to control, there
comes a circular about exam time table,
life  is sulky , life is sullen,
learning is tough and tedious
it goes on  until bell goes in his
dream, in  their dreams and watches;
till summer vacation it is programmed
and   final  day of ordeal arrives;
results ,promotions and failures,
it goes on.


Thought of erasing

Thought of erasing

Construction – the very word itself
is longer than image, toil and sweat
going into the mindset of those involved
 be it artisan, mason, poet or architect;

how much of planning and project
into the outline, inviting word and images
fix and decorate into the auditorium
 draw and paint dipping into acrylic

with brushes of deft strokes every where
selected, touch and smell the paint;
ready for scaffolding, write and draft;
all for records, posterity and content;

but a sudden   hand of blunt and mad
rush  embarks  upon erasing, rubbing,
 not for progress, but for erasure
 to destroy from page, image, history;

woe to the  hand plunges upon erasure
woe to the mind plotting to blot and remove
 those that require consolidation and construction.
Woe  to the very concept of erasure.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sparrow ( After Guardian)

Sparrow ( After  Guardian)

Sullen, your mood spoiling snow,
melting on the grass, now beautiful
dew drops, creating a new mood
for  a different world;  Sparrows
on the twigs, dancing, their own
world of independence; their own
elated view, sometime sad profuse
of humanity’s perspective in their
own voice of chattering
in your coinage. The sparrows
spongy neck, cautious looking
and pecking here and there,
looking at us in prison, breaking
stone walls, do they know our
predicament, suffering, our
angst this moment, the puzzle
of our imprisonment? Hungry
beaks picking up bread crumbs
in what way different from ours
waiting for a crunch ;each in our
own world of thinking and mode
of survival; do they thank their
stars? Do we? I know not, for
tomorrow is our for sure.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Introspection on Blood

    Introspection on Blood

Running in all of us, our veins,
emotions swelling along,
from birth till teasing end,
yet, fulfilling its duty,
from within, Royal flow,
Dictum of supreme judge,
Until congealed, its reign
Beneath its skin sacred.

Getting poisoned only
by poison of man and his kin
arresting red into solidified block;
scant respect and regard
for His Doings and sketch
of drawings in His unique
Creations, purchased  by money.

Yet it  a has a donor pass,
Blood transfusions and
Heart transplantations
So many innovations
With aid of blood -red blood.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Rose at random

                      Rose at random

                     What are we but a budding bunch
                    of multicolored rose plants growing
                     in steady soil, tutored by the steady
                     care of agile gardener, owner at times,
                    mostly admired for the beauty and rich,
                    tempting, also divine fragrances entwined
                    with petals and  roots beyond our ken,
                   in the sense, rootless flourish wide;
                   Time’s cruel   hands have clipped
                  and flung our stems hanging loose
                  until a fine wind blowing gathered
                   solitary pining, nourished into a growth
                   beyond   fairness  and   snatch.   
                   Winds and children’s  play
                   have stunted  our prosperous smile,
                   till a propitious boon  changed our fate;
                    we are sure to blossom and flourish
                   with copious fruits and sweet  fragrance.

Senior most in her daily chores

    Senior most in  her daily chores    ( women centric google meet)
    Last  tedious note in the previous night
   Inconclusive for the succeeding busy morn
   for the women committed, is one of special
   and   carved routine into her registry of mind;

  the first knock  of milkman with the first brewing
 decoction and tiffin boxes getting packed by her
deft stroke of hands, with the stern reminder
of homework for her hurrying children with lace

outstretched in hands tightening still testing
her patience,  her eyes looking at wall clock
at the same time, waiting for  the school van
till they reach back home – a warmth and anxiety.

This is  one only aspect of her care, when business oriented
Husband  and  in laws siren like voices getting on nerves;
  Modern and modernized world, these chores of women
 Are blessings, for woman is considered Lightening lamp

Or deity of house, at the end of the day. Apart washing
And dish washing and bills paying, her priority and pain
Pleasant and many more for after all she  does all
For the sake of her house, her home, her shelter.

That is what she is meant for, her surroundings say.

Sunday, July 05, 2020



It is certainly not temerity
nor rashness, but being within
one’s own limits, being aware
of repercussions of crossing
the boundary line; courage
is not going to see the lion
in the zoo in close quarters
putting your face and nose
too close, but using your
propensity of thinking
in the most appropriate way.
Courage is braving the enemy
but before being into it,
knowing your strength
and adversary’s weakness.
Courage is not finding
“quarrel in a straw”.
Courage is ascertaining
Assessing your point of view.

Saturday, July 04, 2020



 Serene morning’s first wake up call
 by the cawing of crows and chirping,
breaking dawn into a day, with the first
whistle of boiling milk -all spoiled by
the anticipation of some hot words
of inmates, over active phone calls,
from afar, some corner of unknown,
dragging you into a wordy deal
while yourselves not knowing what
for this quandary, somewhere some
 mischief of dissatisfied souls plotting
 a lifelong calumny-topple your future
 all agonizing you into a crazy recoil,
 into a shell of yourselves, for out bursting
 into anger only ruins your prospects;
 Their anger provocative of your anger,
 Best  remedy keep your fingers crossed
and  look above pray  The Ultimate.

when hatred prevails;---

INCENDIARY ART (After  Guardian)

       when hatred prevails;---

       On the long day, a gunshot, sudden
     triggered from  his  tutored instrument,
      shed his blood  and   body motionless,
     a stupefaction for all surrounding;
      why this long query, why this angry mob,
      why some nonchalant, why this quandary,
       she questions herself at the altar of Church,
       not only for her, for many a passerby,
        this moment not trivial, but, crucial
        for a  life gone,  identity unclaimed,
       what for some question inwardly,
      some continue to argue, unanswered; 

      vans and school children pass,
      until cops come, his blood frozen,
      like the minds of many,  not pondering,
      still lingering in their own moods;      
      what matters for  you and me
      witnessing there for a while,
      not color, nor black or white,
     if rich or have-nots, what   matters most,
     which is lacking, which is wanting,
      the humane sense, human consciousness,
       human sense of care  and only   mutual care.