Saturday, May 23, 2020

What for this friend ship ( after(Poem of the week: Ambala by Shanta Acharya

 What for this friend ship   ( after(Poem of the week: Ambala by Shanta Acharya

A friendship  blossomed in  college;
Beauty and attraction  began tempting
 tampering our hitherto unspoiled mood
and upbringing strengthened by our parental
 advice  and counsel . But there is always
other side,  lure  of  beauty, attraction
all for this skin and flesh eating mankind
alive from time immemorial. She enters
with a  mask and  thick thighs stretching,
advancement of her scented hands 
beckoning a  call ;  My instinct guided
by ethics  enters  into a pact of denial,
preaches a philosophy of sanctity,
restriction, a principle governing  all
words if admonition and check
driving away slowly her mood and matter
of indulgence. Think of future, body
affected  by nurture of this negative
friendship, I  tell her adjusting her hair,
prevailing upon life’s responsibility,
a change comes slow    and sudden
Reformation,  look up to Heavens
And Thank for all HIS  Succor.

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