Thursday, June 08, 2017

My Country is she in my Mouth

My  Country   is   She  in my  Mouth    ( Guardian)

I   am  with  all  earnest  reverence 
Proud  to  call my  land, Motherland,
A  She  in my  Mouth, unswerving
Unfaltering ever  as  the  flow  of
Sacred  words  from  Mountains  and
Select  Rivers. She  is  unique  and
Profoundly, seamlessly rooted  in
ancient  culture   and   Edicts   of
rules . My   Mother land  is
treasure  cove  of  Vedas, Puranas
Epics , the  soil in which  the  sages
Seers   and  Avatars  have  their 
Rich  cultural  heritage guiding 
Us ever. There  was  a  time,
When  each  and  every  household 
Reared  a  Cow, worshipped as   Mother.
A  palatial  house  of  many rooms,
No concept  of  bed room, where
Every  room  had  its  own appendage
Play  and  purpose  for  children.
Sunrise   and  sunsets,  valleys
And  perennial  rivers  by  which
Seers   have gained  Wisdom,
Transmitted  to  us  time   and  again.
She is  my  Motherland  always.

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