Friday, June 30, 2017

How we worship the invisible!

How  we  worship  the  invisible!

How  we worship the invisible!
Oh ! world  vast   and  impenetrable
With   the miraculous web of His
Mystical  Schemes and survival mode,
Oh! We worship  the  invisible  and
Invincible ,yet  fighting  with   our
 imbecile, assuming clan, flamboyant
not   to  accept  the  Eternal  Laws
governing  our  lives  ever  and  anon.

Oh! Sun, and  sky,  Blue  and  stars,
ocean  and  land ,we  all  know  thee ,
yet  we  don’t  strive  to  know the
Unknowable and unseen kernel of Soul
Hidden  in  thee all. We  worship  the
Invisible, day in day out, yet seeing 
Him in many forms  and  situations,
Beckoning    his  Mercy  and meaning
Of  our  suffering   and inexplicable  stand.

    Ye, children,harken! soaring  birds, gushing  waves
 dashing  gulls  and hot  pebbles lying  ashore-
all  have   their  purport and stay  and suffer.
Hence  cry not, yet let your appeal reach high
Such  that  HE  shall intervene to amend the loss.
We  worship  the  Invisible in  knowable and all.
We  know  thee, see  thee, touch  and worship
Thee  through our  Divine Spark all times. 
You  are  invisible  and  knowable.

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