Saturday, March 18, 2017

Humans , where can we go?

Humans ,where  can we go?

 Wide  opened   windows  let  air in.
There   are  sensible  and  have  a   stay
In their adaptability  and  move ;
 Spiders  and   lizards  have  free play
on the  roof, unencumbered   freedom
and ply; touch  and go  cobwebs ,sticky
lizards  hang on. We tolerate  their
impeccable loyalty. Up  they are, we
don’t  care   oftener. Once  they  intrude
 kitchen cupboards,corners,inside  rooms
and  clustered   books  and  in  between
tables, utensils with  left over,  we mind
and   dispel away.
 Pet parrots  we have pampered ,though
Caged, spoke  with  endearing  language.
Reared  faithful dogs   and   stroke the
Head of   beloved cat and kitten.Yet
They  have freedom  to go anywhere
O f their choice. Ponds  and borrows
Fields   and free open spaces – are
Your ever ready welcome kit.
We  the  tenants ,where  can we go?
Once the landlord gives notice?

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