Monday, September 02, 2013

Trees, how generous they are!

Trees, how  generous  they  are!

In    your garden,
You  can  go  and  pluck  the   rightful,
Plump   fruits  prompted  by  taste  buds,
Or  hunger  pinches  your  belly,
 Those  verdurous   leaves, ooze ,
As  if  to  mourn  man’s  narrow attitude,
 Human kind’s   affliction  is  their  sorrow,
Trees’  yields  are mankind’s  happy  morrow,
Rightful   and   unquestioned ,unquestioning,
Tawny    stems   are  stable,
They  don’t  distinguish  if 
You  are poor   or   affluent,
You  shelter  under their  woody
Nooks   and  corners,
Those  dried  leaves  are
Embers    or  cinders  for
Boiling  water.
They  are the  sole,  
Caring  for  your  Soul.

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