Friday, September 13, 2013

Love and care springing up.

Love   and  care  springing up.

What if  you   are within  four   stony    walls,
Imprisoned   and  chained  to your  wailing ,
Fate  and   up swelling  tears   subduing    your
  Saddened    Passion, position,
 Your  longing  extending to the
Loved  and  caring ones ,outside ,
Your   craving  for  those  reckoning
Your  predicament, you write pages
And pages on , yet to be posted,
What if  you  are  a caged  bird ,
Your  song  within   reaches the  humanity,
What  if  the gardener’s pail  fails
to   water   the   slow upfront    grass,
the   donor  sky  ready with  the 
showers  to  wet  the  ground .
the   linnet   opposite,  pours.
Nature’s  Wonder  consoles  me.

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