Friday, September 06, 2013

Some titbits in the underground station.

      Some   titbits   in the underground station.

Wandering  aimlessly   around,
Pondering   a while, some philosophy,
Where do I come  from? Where   do I land?
They  come  like  a faithful  puppy
All the while, inescapable:
Moments  of   fleeting  doubts ,
Aroma  of  coffee, inspires you,
Your   tablet convinces , consoles,
 Soothingly  types your   parrot like
Speculations. Endlessly  go on,
Looking  out   now   and then,
Each  station  throbbing  with
Agile  commuters, automated
Shutters ,technology’s pin,  
You  go on, on  till  reach
Your  destination.

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