Friday, December 08, 2006

Tonight is an unusual night 136

Tonight is an unusual night  136

Tonight is an unusual night,
for after the day’s hard labor
and the mute witness of the mindless
actions of men over many dumb and
desperate, deviled, my mind questions
my self, why should I be silent?
It results only in the thanksgiving,
to God for this.
Tonight is an unusual night,
for a view from my balcony
takes me on to many sights
when on the other side many
Sightless sigh for the depravity.
Tonight is an unusual night
for the land is wet and the
breeze carries the dampening
aura of the soil and pleasant
augury for the passersby.
Tonight is an unusual night
for I could view the aircraft
playing hide and seek and the
wink by the wheels, make me merry.
Tonight is an unusual night
for my pen records how the
Small and silly think they are
Good and wise in this generous land,
for the land which they tread upon
bears them too with patience

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