Saturday, February 06, 2021

After Guardian's owl


After Guardian’s owl


After all gunshot and bloodshed

bitter and sway, struck by hunger

and agony of separation from home

cold creeping for days yet body

withstood the bitter chill pouring

from outside; only undaunted will

stands like a steady rock in   your sway;


restive in war field, curled like paper

rolls swaying and swept by powerful force,

lack of sleep driving his spirits,

a cry from wilderness, ominous

yet with some redeeming positive

faith nullifying his apprehension;

owl or resounding echo from above,


  he is yet to know; a voice or vision

 appears in cheering mood, he is safe

amidst turmoil and many a dying

into cankerous death  and doom;

stench  and stink cutting their energy

while he smells of rose  and bloom

when buds  into romance  and redemption.





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