Saturday, May 11, 2019

That was , IS , the age ( Different approach)

After   Guardian,)  Suppose  

That was , IS ,  the age  ( Different approach)

Dressing it, carrying it in my arms
Wherever I go, combing its hair,
Feeding it with a  spoon, that is,
That was my life breath, my commitment
Infusing my life into it. Suppose, doll,
Molly I call it, should break her dead,
I would rush to the doctor for the first aid.

I am dressed neat and trite, suppose
 sun recedes and sudden cloudy showers,
my  cute doll getting drenched,  I feel not panicky,
pull out my umbrella and protect both of us,
rush to the nearby shady tee or park
to stay a while, consoling my Molly
and wait till clouds clears.

 I am in serious, thinking mood, suppose,
My mind  propels me for higher pursuits ,
I tend to put my doll for sleep,
Ask my granny to pray for  a while,
 Both for me  and my cute Molly
Until I return from my errands
Thanking heaven for all bliss.

 I sit  and Pray and Pray
The world continues to prick
and prick and prick, I am pretty sure
it is the way of the  world, I go by the
dictum, do what your dictates tell you,
leaving the rest to the Will of The Almighty.        
Heaven is the ultimate watcher.

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