Saturday, October 27, 2018

Three poetess ( Guardian)

Three  poetess ( Guardian)

Three poetesses dressed in
full decorum, around polished
oval shaped table, group their
discussions on poetry and meter.

Suddenly   a man comes
 through  the back door
 on friendly note and terms,
smiles to begin a conversation.

Is he a poet, or a stranger?
a wizard, a  snow man dripping ?
or  a sage or miracle man
tying talisman to the needy?

The three are alive to the
Situation yet converse in
full throated ease, their
point of view tapping the Muse.

Just as  the door, air peeps in
and out, their books glow
turn the pages, the mirror
opposite reflect all in grandeur.

As he came, the figure walked out.

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