Saturday, January 13, 2018

My days of hostel stay

My  days  of  hostel stay
 It  is  not  a  room of one’s own
 but  meticulously shared by
 many  a  two legged, gulping
 their own predicament in hard times.
 Oft,gulped plain  soda ere trending
towards  coco cola  or the like of it.
 back to  seven  or  eight decades of
 unsophisticated living and life style
 threadbare in  our  view;
 no stringent  laws or stipulations,
 for the warden himself
 was the  self-willed owner.
 Each  corner of the same room
 was monopolized by ants’ rows
 all the more  by the edges of brooms.
 Egrets figure in my  diagram note
 now, recalling  those days of crows
 and  mynas  dancing in branches
 echoing through my windows.
 A room of one’s own still lingers
 in memory for it nurtured many
 fostering their  agile roots of learning.


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