Wednesday, November 11, 2015

At Many Cross Roads..

1)    At   many  cross roads..
  Mind  is restive, not  for
 a  dulcet moment now.
At the  hustle bustle cross roads,
Zebra  crossing and  signal sign posts,
Waiting  to read the automatic trans tile,
No chameleon  on the  wink,
But  the  peel of  a plantain
Irksome   and sticky on your
Fast   moving  heels.
A  thin  wire like your  eerie  fear
Might  camouflage your brave put up.
Thews and  sinews of  hands  shake
Behind the willed wallet you don.
You  want  to shake  the  storage
Of  Mind that  is  restless.
A thin  shadow, a  cat crossing,
Not  an  ill omen  now,
At this juncture. Move  on.
Cross  roads are  teasing  and trying.

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