Friday, December 26, 2014

      A Take on “ A deal in every aisle, every hour ,every day...”
 A  Good deal in every aisle, every hour, every day,
 Shoppers  plan to stack up things for the month.             
The  prestigious, Supermarket   is busy  and the
Accustomed   visit  the  cuisine  and  garment ,
Grand  and good  Offers, Gifts free
to deal with  the best  selection.
My Muse, my  Calliope,is   agile as ever,
To weave a poem out of this  shop.
Incredibly eager shoppers  queue for billing.
There are no abandoned sandwich but
Prominently  strewn, crumbled bills, printout   
Of  ID proofs, The sun was slowly behind the orb:
I am pushing my trolley out.

There is  throb, every hour, every day.

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