Friday, March 22, 2013

It is not the caged bird alone that sings...

It  is  not  the  caged  bird  alone  that  sings.....

It  is  not  the  caged  bird  alone  that  sings,
Outside    vagabond    voices   to  the tune of  timbre
both  of  his hey  day  and   declivity    now:
 With   tumbrel  the  farmer is  wedded
 to  his   ancestrally   transmitted ,proud
 lineage  of     cultivation.   The bard
 not   wilfully   but    woefully    writes
 his  pages  of  unethically   got  and
seen Mammon  worship .
Only  his  pages,  but  others’ coffers,
 The  black  crow  in the much
 visited balcony    amens. 

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