Friday, January 27, 2012

Tracking fast.

Tracking  fast

 I  look  through  the window,        
Green trees,  move  along,
Look  as if  they  run  away
From   mound   of  fire
Which  is   spreading   fast,
Proud  of   its  powers
 gifted  with  copious , 
Enriching ,destroying ,  life.
Cows on  the graze,
Cattle  bent  on the dried  grass
Popping   up in the fields;

The  train  speeds   past
rumbling    fast on the 
Curvature of tracks,
holding     many passengers
with trackless records of
memories, anecdotes , their
angst  dominating them,
I   too  carry  my  heavy  heart,
affected  by  the  see saw 
rumbles    honing   against
my poetic  voice  within.

I    open up  my  precious  page
In   the   bulky voluminous   note
Book  of  recordation  where  I  
 Scribble,  pour  my  heart’s content,
For  some  times   in  the  train,
Voiceless ,   the  bulky
Note book  served   as my pillow,  
Whispering   silent    notations
Into  my  half-conscious  ears;
I  revel  on my  improvisation:
Life  is    for   improvisation   at  times,
Train   speeds   past  doing   its  duty.                          

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