Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In the blazing Fire

In  the   blazing   Fire....

In  the  blazing  fire  there,
Sulking  many  aboriginal   habits ,
Roots  of  unshakable   faith,  rituals
With  glowing  embers, 
Much  to  the  censure   and
Berating   tags    of  many:

In   a  different  sort of  fire,
I see  a  few , reformed,  burn
Their   ugly sinister, restless thoughts,
Slowly  the  fire  recedes into  a
Cave  of  negation  and cessation,
Itself  engulfs   the  wicked ness.

There is  this mysterious  fire
In  many,  lurking  and virile,
beyond   embalm   and   redemption,
audaciously   poking:  a  hawk               
restive  in  its    pursuit ,
soon  to  be  subdued  by  a  different  Fire.


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