Saturday, December 19, 2009

Eglantine pillar

Eglantine pillar

I veer round eglantine pillar,
from cemented floor to
the criss-cross roof,
My hand s weave silken
Shawl of miracle, advent of
Avatar, my mentor in my life.
The structured pillar bespeaks
a harrowing tale of the past,
how often , my grandmother
would sit by ,ruminate her
life, struggle, sacrifice,
open pages read, also misread,
in my blossoming age,
it would have been a hug,
one may call so;
but now, no hug, no paramour,
no love, no seductive looks,
for life has to sail amidst
rough weather,
if you read in-between lines
it is because you have
jaundiced eyes.
I stand by as the pillar stands.

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