Monday, June 22, 2009

Melange of thoughts

Melange of thoughts
I sit on the vast green lawn, browsing Ginsberg,
The aroma of of greenery, the smell of wet moisture
the murk of wet soil inviting your poetic sense of
perception, what a fine breath the air permeates with!
Nearby the terracotta with its uprooted grass ,its stickiness
lying exposed upwards, unwilling to die, to dry up,
Whiff of sudden wind blows the fluffy dandelion,
Only the gauzy is driven off , the flower stands on,
a melange of thoughts come up,
why this life? why this breadth? Where are those
familiar faces? where are those souls wandering?
Where are those afflicted whose life full of
torture, because of diabolic devils , intruders?
I am a karma yogi ,those unanswered questions
linger on ; like the blood oozing from wound cuts,
in the process of healing up, from wireless nearby,
I listen to warnings of landslide, storm, torpedo,
ants line on innocently, sparrows close by peck
grains, both unaware could be danger
and destruction, extinction from human heart too.

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