Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I saw a bird calling,craving

I saw a bird calling, craving.

On a mild sunny morning, when the rays of the
Global Sun just as if from his majestic cove
Spiraling, aiming escalation of His radiance
And confidence around everywhere,
I saw a bird from its own nest built by
Its own labor and necessity, with the
Sundry sticks and handy picks and leaves,

The bird was calling, calling aloud,
with articulation, wide opening its
orange beak, I could see the symphony
in the open and close,
I could hear the universal Rhapsody
I saw the bird craving for oneness
Of the clan, sharing its crumpet,

The bird is calling, calling aloud
The bird is calling, calling aloud
For the symphony of serenity
Echoes in my mind too.

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