Tuesday, December 12, 2023

here is the weight of the world Radhamani sarma


Where is the weight of the world

 Radhamani sarma

Where is the weight of the world….

In the clothes or folds

torn asunder things

Folds into where….

folds to be unfolded,

again to be refolded

into different patterns;

life’s foils and folds

guiding us every moment,

misguiding too;

only we need to be wary;

be it a small domestic fray

or bigger leading quay,

quay, one needs be

cautious and examine

dots and patches in folds,

vast sails be it domestic

situation, or calamities

pervasive of international

 threats. Hold strong your

holds and folds , don’t let

loose them. Her dictates

inspect all. The weight

of the world too much with us.



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