Saturday, December 05, 2020

Afterwardness ( after Guardian)

 Afterwardness ( after Guardian)

After  thirty years’ return to native soil, saddening 

to know oldest church in dilapidated condition,

the mango grove, and  village  school of thin,

number of ardent pupils with rigorous master,

all gone now, where is a question, could be 

doings of Time, vanishings quick beyond our ken.

I see  through my focused lensed of care  and curiosity

recent debacles, of unauthorized buildings, temple 

a place of gossip and congregation of wasting   time;

all around me zig zag path, lonely stretch of chaos,

space  occupying most  for those not accommodating

space  for poor  and  desperate, cursed  times ;

rustle of wind answers and in me  

for the humanity, Time conquers all .

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