Saturday, December 26, 2020

A poem after “Towards the End of the Feast” ( guardian





















 A poem after  “Towards the End of the Feast” ( guardian


   That one star, his nativity, his advent

   with  bright light  to redeem humanity,

    cakes  and candles and puddings

   full on plates, a feast for visitors

    best way to show aunt’s house

  replete with content and happiness.


 Cups full of  full of creams enhanced

By endearing smile, with a lesson

Of endurance in times of dire necessity,

 Grandma touches children, grandchildren

 Extended palm of  blessings  and grace

Nothing can gainsay her move of  patience.


More  and more in letting things

in munificence and multiple offering

to needy and caring,  all the floors

and corners of hall with designs

spoiling scattered bits of edibles.

This one day of pride  and Blessing


Echoes of lullaby for  newborn

A celebration of  Nativity not

In one place, but hospitals and wards

Booming with cries of innocence.

Come Christmas bells, peeling

Out ignorance  and chaos.











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