No sunrise
nor sunset for this click
Gone are those days
of manuscripts dominating
hard, hand written,
and torn, sheer vexation,
paper and bundles in bins
covering baskets, like ghosts
visiting windows, panes .
A click of mouse, orders,
Bills and transfers, going
global, quick pays, mostly
governed by OTPs. A security
guard for all media, doing
undoing many a tasks, in its
own way multitasking; digital
wizard, could be technology’s
wonder working machine.
A click or double click
Turn down if the bulb
Guardian Angel or ruling motto,
health care and hospital
registers, food markets,
airports and supermarkets
click, clicks and computer
print outs, save and unsaved .
Oh! Lord of Lords,
Can we say our prayers
In a click or breathe in
And out in a click, know not.
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