Saturday, September 02, 2017

Epilogue (after guardian)

Epilogue ( after Guardian)
Muse by the board, a  gentle
tap and   numbers flow,threadbare
weave  and  much of meaning;
with  a  sweep  of global images
across  the warp and weft of
poet's painting  brush,  a  masteful
quick stroke, as the creater imagines,
a confessional take,  pious recordation
of  no harming  or  booming, you stay
calm  and  cool,  nothing  happened.
Gubernatorial Sun  always   shines
irrespective of  success  and  failures
in our lives, none can gainsay that.
Now, plot and  structures  are of no
avail.we are poor passing  facts,
sailing  or suppressed by the
evanescent  time factor.

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