Friday, July 28, 2017

haiku ( weather)

summer  dawn
parrots    shuttlecock from

branch to branch

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ode to be born ( Guardian)

Ode  to  be  born  (Guardian)

Ye, tender  and  soft still
In   the  embryonic  stage
Yet  to be  full-grown and  bloom
With  the  Gift  of   Life  Source
 to  be   ordained by His  Will
  now   kicking   the  walls
Of  mother’s womb, cosy:
Pure   and  innocence  only
Developed  through karma’s
Consciousness : sleep   and  smile
Only  your  assets  now unbroken.
 Continuing also, when  you 
Come  out  in due  course
After  full  round  of  stay
In  mother’s  womb,
 You will  be   a fairer  flower
Don’t  fall  a  prey  to
World’s  wicked thistle  hub.
Let  every  charm  be your
Protective  cover with  a
Cautionary  tale of minute
Worth  and wisdom.
This  knowledge   shall
earn  you   degrees of
peace  and  serenity.


 places  and plans
longer  the draft

vacation  concludes

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


winter’s chill
musical  notes  flow  cosy
 her   shiver

wintry morn
coats  feel  the  warmth
of  skin

mapping on the wall
the tour is over
father   proclaims 

Monday, July 24, 2017

haiku (weather)

colorful  caps
showcase   the line
big queue
new  fragrance
  she  draws   away  the 
withered pot

she  is  cool
tucked inside  the
mother’s  sari

cloth liners
one  on   another- twine
 no  space

on  ravine’s  summit
the  otherness of  life  you  feel

Friday, July 21, 2017


each  day  a  newness
crows gathering
 a ringtone

twigs  and   straw nest
sparrows’ cove

on  the gorge
all  around   you   is  a  mirage


   Fireflies  ( Guardian)
You  pass  through  your  own
Chosen path, not  caring  for  anything
but  road  signals, to sustain  you 
for  a   safe way:  heather or  tall pine
the  same wind  blowing   on   your
sides.  In your own  heart  you
feel  shifts  of  wafts along  your
breath, making  some magical  tricks.
What  are  these  emitting   light,
disappear  again? Are  they 
Chimerical in my  view? Twin 
Sisters  of sad  or  happy prevailing?
Take  their  own   turns   to
Arrest  furthering  move?
  any wizard or  will- f-  the wisp
surreptitious misleading  you .
no enchanting  lady either;
something  eluding   your
inward  eye, again  a chimera
within? Could be  a dream 
walk tapping  you ,anyway
it  is  endless, meandering.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


some  have already

 gone up   

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Soul searching always?

    Soul  searching  always...

Where  are  those  souls?
What happened to  those
in   a  drift  dragged  away
sudden  before  expectation? 
Or  after  full  round of completion?
departed  big  or  small,
memory    haunts  us  always
sobering  our  daily  routine
rhythm less  spanning  empty.
Where  are  they ,clinging  to us
in  endearing  ways, how  so many?
Where  are they  now?
Where  unto did  they go  hiding?
A  shift  to  be  away  from  the
Clutter  of  the scheming  crowd
Or  move  of  their choice   to
a  remote  shining  galaxy  twinkling
and  counting  the  itinerant mass; or
Playing  hide and seek  amidst
the puffy, dark  and white  clouds,
reaching   seamless  to   the edge?
Taking  an oath not  to  be  reborn
 In   this   mundane earth, if given
an  option .Soul searches  for  ever
this   unanswered query.


his  feather
my bookmark  during
my childhood days

chic  and  mother
 comfort zone—in
the basket

 a free  bird
morrow a  prey in  the
dish  bowl

 my balcony
usual  wake up call

 missing  today

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


        my uniform
  desire of  sudden shift
 my shift  to  you

in between  valley
stir of endless pathway

Sunday, July 16, 2017


on the gorge

I am  to feel   smallness around 

in the   river
poetry is in motion
ducks in line

 in between  valley
miles  of  dreams  to  go  

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Do not be belittled by your slowness , dear snail! ( Guardian)

Do  not  be  belittled by your   slowness , dear  snail!  ( Guardian)

 Do not be, under  any trivial circumstances
belittled by  your slowness. In being  branded
tardy  you are  not  small, but  we  see  a  coiling
beauty  in you,  the  necessity of invention.
You are an adept   in achieving 
 the  lack by another  tool. Ye, brownish,
you   are   different something in creation.
With  his  two feet, Man is fast  to tumble,
  To effect  topsy-turvy  the  engine in mode.
You   are  slow  by  your contractility
Also inch by inch by your  steadiness.
 Your   Slow  is  fast enough .

Friday, July 14, 2017


on   ravine’s summit
  equipoise is   his  garment

Down by  the  River
a  bucket  full of my

Thursday, July 13, 2017

fisherman’s  net 
  menu in  fingertips

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

haiku ( workplace)

 verbal tirade
 bundles beneath
 the table

hot blows
mocking at this                               
junk now

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

could you be

·        could  you  be

Could  you  be  the  soft wipes
On my face when cumin seeds
erupt  like  hot pellets  from  the
frying pan, when  the right hand
is  with  the  ladle, the left  helplessly
drawing closer to  the  eyes ?

could  you be my  strength to
hold on straight to  the  rills
on the  moving bus if positioned
to stand on the foot-board  
while  jostled on all sides,
hanging, hanging  for   Life?

Could  you be  my balanced
force  to swim   against  the 
odd  currents  in the  much
troubled  waters  wondering
the  mystery of  ocean, universe
and  watery  force ?

Above  all, Yours  must be
The unforsaking   Hand
 ready  to redress  my call
of  urgency  and  dire necessity
for  my unquestioning  will 
and  spirit  and  prostrating  ever  to You.


could you be

  • could  you  be

    Could  you  be  the  soft wipes
    On my face when cumin seeds
    erupt  like  hot pellets  from  the
    frying pan, when  the right hand
    is  with  the  ladle, the left  helplessly
    drawing closer to  the  eyes ?

    could  you be my  strength to
    hold on straight to  the  rills
    on the  moving bus if positioned
    to stand on the foot-board  
    while  jostled on all sides,
    hanging, hanging  for   Life?

    Could  you be  my balanced
    force  to swim   against  the 
    odd  currents  in the  much
    troubled  waters  wondering
    the  mystery of  ocean, universe
    and  watery  force ?

    Above  all, Yours  must be
    The unforsaking   Hand
    ready  to redress  my call
    of  urgency  and  dire necessity
     for  my unquestioning  will 
    and  spirit  and  prostrating  ever  to You.

Monday, July 10, 2017


  the  rings of
 fallen  hair-  another   
  spider’s  web

 her  sea  sketch
 on   the  pebble           
  tosses   ashore

Saturday, July 08, 2017


summer’s show
 call of  pruned plants and
  touch and go showers

 last  flicker
 unending  page -  next
summer  morn 

Friday, July 07, 2017

An ideal walking his blues ( guardian)

An   ideal walking  his  blues.

Not much blues, or bathos but
   daily inevitable  Chores,
he  leads  his full   lived,
 his  tuned life to the core,
his   cool morn wakes him
 by  four, with  the  early
birds chirping close in the
balcony, reverberate the melody.
With  the serene  walking by
His path  going  always
Undeviating ,unalloyed  by
Stress  or strains. His  walk stick
handed out to him by his wife,
his  bearing, lifelong partner
with  admonishing  word of care
and   warn on the  traffic ridden  road,
 his equally corroded  shoes,
 the   pair old  knocking the stones
thistles and rumbles more
by  his Will power  than anything.  
No question of new wife in his life,
Nor does the clock race for he knows
His time and tenure of living.
An ideal walks back his home
to the  care of  his  wife.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Nihilism taking its toll

Nihilism    taking  its  toll

Yonder  nihilistic   boat
in  its  anchor  awaiting
the    seasoned  call of  its
master.   This is  not  the
only one.  To my surprise
many  I have witnessed
making  inroads  into
 smooth  sails   of   those
in untroubled  waters.
These  nihilistic    boats
 have  no  select   Seasons
 or  set  reasons, nor are they
weathered  by  stormy  winds
or  torpedoes. Creating  whirlpools
is  the  pastime  of  this
nihilistic  boats.  Crew   and  cabin
have washed  their  sins  easy
as  the  bodies  are  washed ashore.
As  always you  cling  to
His  Feet, seek His Magic Wand
To protect you ever,ever.



farmers in the field
 tears only  to   them
  from afar