Tuesday, February 25, 2014

In The Sleepless Night..

      In the  sleepless night..

Barbeque outside, convenient improvisation,
Rescued many, toasts   for the   privileged,
Bread   crumbs for the lowly ,underpinned.
Wind  mildly  fans  the  fire, brewing  goes on.   
Rumbling  continues , for the jaywalkers,
Theatre revellers, relief outside.
 Eyelids refuse   your rightful  quota of sleep.
Mustering  curiosity , You view  through the
Window, the wavy curtains, looking askance,
The moon shines, moving dark
Patches remain, bemused  I am.
Moon   shines as if replying ,
‘The dent   is in  you, the  mankind,
From  ages, from   the  Days   of
 Creation, from  Shristi, he is erring,
You  always  view  with  a
Soiled  telescope. Else   The  Fall
Would  have  been  averted.’
Slow, the  sleep  embraces me.

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