Tuesday, July 27, 2010

94 Silence

(94) Silence

The breakfast in the table became stale,

even-I the duty-conscious made the breakfast

burning my fingers in the stove,
rushed to my work spot,
stunned to see the flies
around the vessel kept half open,
he thought he was wise, for he slipped off
to sleep by a woman, for whom
skin to skin there is no skin,
who, vile , poisoned into his ears
that his wife was infidel,
somebody made nocturnal visits
for sinful cash and insidious flesh ,
thirty long years of long living
was marred by three years of stealthy slips
only to know that she made beds with many before
he came back to me with defeated fake smile
not knowing I know the world afore,
only to continue my silence more.

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