Saturday, June 26, 2010

(86) Who is this nocturnal visitor?

(86) Who is this nocturnal visitor?
who is this nocturnal visitor incognito?
is he seen only by a few, or naked eyes,
does he slip in like a cat for kind or cash
or for both ? or with pseudo -kindness,
like the itching dandruff, creating a bald,
bugging all the time, draining your purse,
people with all devious thinking imagine
the visitor is fond of my house,
yet, till today, I have not seen the mysterious,
nor am I inclined to catch him red-handed,
when imagination runs devious,
taking a sinister turn,
when my guardian angel is vigilant,
this acrimony only would lead to acrobatics,
undoing all nonsense and hypocrisy,
you can wake up a sleeping dog,
but you cannot infuse sense and sanity
in a seemingly deaf and blind.

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