Friday, June 04, 2010

(80) Vibrations

(80) Vibrations
My tape-recorder a Messiah mesmerising,
reprints into my ears, the recorded Musings,
you call those vibrations or waves?
creating ripples into my heart’s cogitations,
are those vibrations positive or negative?
are those up surging waves bold and naive?
as the ambitions of a conqueror tout?
to a huge fort or treat?
do these vibrations like a fondling mother, sing lullaby?
or counsel the ones in a frenzied lobby?
to those in search of eternal serenity?
to those in search of serene eternity?
do they combat, the ready ones to fight the romping?
do they counteract me with an immortal ode singing?
My tape came to a halt, yet the notes keep on ringing, ringing?

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