Friday, February 08, 2008



As I recline on my chair of mahogany,
Ponder a while, why there is a decline
of the songbirds in my garden of Silsoe,
there is a swift choir of chirping of two
three birds, a sudden awakening, as if
a miracle to occur, a mystery to clear,
I rise to worship the universal Sun-God,
Chirping of Song Thrush, Linnets and
Bullfinches in melody of rare musical
Notes, inviting me too for that rhapsody,
The Sun as if a big shining diamond, cut,
Polished, the sparkling beams of which
Straight and impartial, as straight as
The sceptre of adamantine judge,
Focus on my face, peep into my mindset,
What a transparency? What a lovely,
Soul-searching transformation in me!

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