Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The shadow is ephemeral

The shadow is ephemeral

Like a good Samaritan wielding prowess
in one hand and talisman in the other,
the chariot of Sun God descends slowly,
Sparkling white beams straight and impartial,
The pail of water in my hand glitter and gurgle
into the flowers purple and violet, and double white,
just as the gathering clouds shadow past me,
I long for the warmth, why the sudden shiver?
By the meadow yonder, a cowboy and a shepherd
make up with their dumb pets that graze leaves
dried lettuce, a vague wandering,
those urchins gulp tamarind rice amidst hiccoughs,
the sunbeams revive, give a message of assured love,
glare on me, only the sun is real and universal,
the shadow is ephemeral .

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