Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A temptation

Yesterday you tempted me with a peculiar arrow
Not of Cupid’s but of ambition to reach to
Dizzy heights, loving the Muse,
Inhaling the aroma of knowledge
From books piled upon like pillows,
hugging with a warmth of knowledge,
Knowledge to learn many things
Of the world,
Suddenly an electric idea dawns upon me,
What gained by me in time
not only of books but also
observations, cautioning me further,
life is a rich tree with big branches,
this cannot be uprooted,
I get up and go to the balcony,
Still humanity is active even
at one’clock for the first show is over
Just now,a clandestine affair
behind the milk –booth
followed by the speeding water tanker
hitting the road side garbage slits
and frightened dogs runs barking by.
Iam not getting sleep and go back to
Andrew Motion and Gillian Clarke
Allen Ginnesberg and Walt Whitman
and Emily Dickenson to browse.

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