Thursday, May 04, 2006


When you made intrusion into my much
guarded garden of lovely roses and boughs of
Chrysanthemum, coupled with aromatic jasmine,
the parrot, the bejeweled queen
Pecks and pours in a note of clairvoyance,
the coming seasonal torrential rains flooding
the farmers and ferrets rising to the balconies,
the inundated roads with playing water reptiles,
agonizing the invested landlords,
I see a hooded snake in the corner,
out of sheer frustration and anger
lost even the last bit of venom,
biting the snake charmer chanced by,
To befriend the serene and sacred;
The prop up dancing rose buds
As if to nod, a welcoming yes,
Many a nod, many a nod of approval
for upcoming positive signs.
As if new born babies yet to open their eyes!
When your not deft, yet rugged fingers plucked
those colorful flowers, those smiling ones
I had the feel of the crude sickle in my hand,
to fell the roots and stemmed trees
I had been accustomed to play under,
near the wall somebody pours the peels of the yam,
the black colors of those discarded skins
try to steal into paradise,
amidst these creeping rummage ,
Those lovely flowers dance, those flowers,
embodiment of creator’s excellence,
dance, swing and swing.

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