Tuesday, November 07, 2023

only the tidal waves


Only the tidal waves

 Radhamani sasrma

Only darkness in front

beseeching his body and vision,

refugee laughs at his own

predicament, oak and valley,


mock at his new move.

Thin small leaf consoles him

As if to move on to the sea;

lending a   helping hand;


History  repeats the parrot cry,

what about the history of those hidden,

where is life about them, he cared

for those strung by a  bond ;


he imagines to be in a  room,

books that reflect many a war,

defeats and swords speaking volumes,

no warning  could work against all;


no photos, pictures,  on the wall,

no paintings clamoring the  victory,

only the tidal waves dash against

the happenings and moorings.




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