Friday, July 29, 2022

This summer - his view poem by Radhamani sarma


Poem of the week: Reflection by Peter Scupham


This summer - his view


Looking through the window,

Sky and stars, blue sky, blue firmament,

 far off waves from the dashing Blue,

 His Summer’s special note .


Flowers clipped from buds,

flown by the wings of fast

moving, dashing against

all  both sad  and suave,


now  touch him and go;

a refreshment from bath tub,

 lavender soap permeate,

while inward reflection


stays and journeys through

his mould and mind now cool.

His charmed soul, his mind

floating carefree  and buoyant ,


now imprisoned in a cradle

perhaps imperfect he visions,

beyond his nerve  and verve

where he is yet to be aware.


His summer now sails him

far away, to a  vanishing

from this imperfect coil

to a far distant wandering.

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