Saturday, June 11, 2022

Bonded AffinityrADHAMANI SARMA


Poem of the week: Last Hope by Ben Wilkinson

 Bonded affinity ……

Don’t think about graveyard so terrifying,

 Neither do you ponder about oak strong

 and  sturdy with edifice  not for challenging;

 free  air all with healthy bustle roaming about

drawing you free in its penfold with aura 

somewhat wholesome  and  though  around yard

no stones embedded with writes, bullying you,

no memory so horrid on every visit dilating 

all remnants till now around your pockets.

A song from the branches  not bitter layer,

but sweet mood hampering your sour appeal

from throat of a  bird accustomed to the arena;


love or lost love, yielding  pained moments,

where is counterpart, unheard voice from afar,

memory or fiasco in all its wounded pride;

in the lost hope,  rewinds  sudden  echo

replete with a  bonded affinity of galore



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