Saturday, May 14, 2022

Dead starlings – hard road and why: A new tale by Radhamani sarma



Poem of the week: Importents by Naomi Foyle

  Dead  starlings –  hard  road and why:


It was a  wonderful spring morning,

Mirth and merry making and  pictures

and jubilation all through the streets;

He was a lone watcher, of the sky

and starlings in flocks, perhaps a lesson

for mankind unity is strong beyond

your  bone strength; election campaigns,

acoustics, deafening all around, rains

and floods, devastating, sudden roll over

of birds  and starlings, in dangerous roots

roads, paths, taken by leaders, groups,

perhaps stampede for birds and insects;

stampede too strong for these,

yet inevitable, bleeding  and obstructed

passage ruin starlings abominably;

sudden sweep of bodies, turned down

for  them very difficult  to stay on;

 A pity and pathetic spectacle

The roads overloaded with.




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