Saturday, May 15, 2021

omposed after "American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin Heal the wound, be blind to infliction

  Composed after   "American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin

 Heal the wound, be blind to  infliction

Live in the future, forget the past  and plan

for  your future is not my mood or motto now;

I live a world of my own, the deadly past haunting

me  over again, the present with its immediacy

appears elusive, but my  future with a strong hold

taking structures  on  a strong  platform ,my

prudent coined mound, unfaltering now

 before me .A  beautiful garden planting

rose, jasmine  and tulsi leaves  multicolored

and fragrance far reaching , my dream's 

aid from morn till evening, I keep travelling 

far  and wide, yet home is my ulterior savior

where  color  and chaos thwarted  by my 

 Mentor's    feather touch. In killing does not

live life, life lives in saving and protection plan;

introspection  and self awareness  order

of the day , forging ahead for a success.

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