Saturday, June 13, 2020

In search of Rope not wanted- Hope ----------------------------------------- Is skipping I need, when stressed, Is rope in race, I wheel around, Hope and hop skip -hope, Need of hour, Hope does not forsake, while cocooned in isolation away from your kith and kin, bemused by inward pangs, a rope, skip away from your rope, should I catch your lace, I know not, for Time’s stringent Scale does slant, I will not Catch your rope, nor crave it For my will and force a room Of my own, my cells and boredom To avoid, books to munch within Four walls, for sacrifice and cause In my blood, shall not sleep, Enter into your rope, for my individuality my forte, enriched by chirping birds, only melody of my remaining life only hope for your rope I shall not enter; my prison guards ever watching and my sole monitor now .

In search of  Rope not wanted-  Hope
Is skipping I need, when stressed,
Is rope in race, I wheel around,
 Hope  and hop skip  -hope,
Need of hour, Hope does not
forsake, while cocooned in isolation
away from your kith and kin,
bemused by inward pangs,
a rope, skip  away from your rope,
should I catch your lace,
I know not, for Time’s stringent
Scale  does slant,  I will not
Catch your rope, nor crave it
For my will and force a room
Of my own, my  cells and boredom
To avoid, books to munch within
Four walls, for sacrifice  and cause
In my blood, shall not sleep,
Enter into your rope,
for my individuality my forte,
enriched  by chirping birds,
 only melody of my remaining life
only hope for your rope  I
shall not enter; my prison  guards
ever watching and my sole
monitor now .

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