Saturday, December 07, 2019

Singing all through.

 Singing all  through.

For  him the winter  is slow,
The songbird  feels could be
April  with its  coil of spring
 mellifluous  rising hopes
in all . Certainly for him /her
November is the same as Dec Morn;

Me  as  a spectator in the corner
Stand and witness all  birds
Start singing if they are prompted
By a tune special and in surrounding
 calm and cool; Advent of Jan,
throb of  April chill November
throughout, the same singing
profuse and not a premeditated art;                                                                                  

seasons change, love and hate
in mutations and buff and blow,
you grow long in singing loud,
most of times, a silent singing
into yourself goes on within,
along with the birds and flora and fauna
in a nod or beckoning , aura of   own.

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