Saturday, November 02, 2019

After Guardian----- ( A Musician’s encounter in a day)

After Guardian-----   ( A Musician’s  encounter in a  day)

The unimaginable thrill of music
running like flow of ripples
in the form of musical notes
quivering in my lips, all over
the rooms, from bed to bath
humming and running upstairs;

I recall my counterparts,
in cold shiver, the cloths
 hanging from shoulders
sitting cross legged on pyals
arranging his stringed instrument
to the best of its tune;

All the world is complete
Now slowly disintegrate
Like jigsaw puzzle;
We  have to assemble
The  broken parts dangling
Amidst our bemused life.

I am thrilled in the
Symphony of music
Swelling through
As  usual.


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