Thursday, October 03, 2019

Drama lessons ……after Guardian

Drama  lessons ……after  Guardian

In the drama of  Life,
For life is full of dramatic
events, setbacks and turnings
like fortune teller’s magic wand
touch and read and go:  Day

in and day out is life is set
to the tunes of characters
and dialogue  and scenic shifts;
 like rapturous music and  wordplay
from palladium  girls chant like chorus;

Sudden emergence of   young girls
like in gorgeous colors decked
worshipfully folding hands, some
as if handicrafts  dexterous woven;
elsewhere, hand is missing, as if
chipped off with one eye looking;

odd girl disappearing sudden
with the slang and strange looks;
some come back with red eyes;
curtain draws as  the snow falls;

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